How Can You Increase Conversions via Google Ads?


Leveraging Google Ads for your small business means improved brand visibility and conversion rate and several other benefits. Learn how to do it here!

Google Ads was the biggest provider in search advertising in 2020.

The statement alone should tell you how important it is for your business to optimize your Google Ads strategy to promote and grow your business.

What is Google Ads?

Previously known as Google AdWords, Google Ads is a paid service provided by Google to businesses looking to improve their online visibility. These ads are visible when the target audience looks for relevant terms on Google Search.

Google Ads improves your online store’s visibility, but it offers a lot more than that. With Google at the helm, it is an effective way to promote your online store, widen your target base, and create meaningful ad copies to make a difference.

Most Google Ads advertisers focus on two primary aspects:

  • Improving the conversion rate
  • Reducing the CPC (cost-per-conversion)

If you want to benefit from using Google Ads, you will have to focus on both these aspects. However, most marketers end up focusing on one of these and ignoring the other. It leads to them generating below-par results that frustrate them and lead to them questioning the viability of this as a solution. 

Remember Rubik’s Cube back in the day? We all tried to solve it, often got a color combination right, but the rest were all over the place. Only a handful who knew how to solve it could achieve the right mix.

Google Ads is similar. It works, but only if you know the techniques.

How to use Google Ads to improve conversions?

Google controlled approximately three-fourth of all online traffic by the end of 2019. Google Ads contributed to creating a network of over 2 million websites and applications

The service charges based on the clicks your ads receive. So, it gives you enough legroom to explore, and you do not have to worry about paying a bomb for nothing. It also enables even the smallest businesses to start using it to improve their online reach. 

Benefits of Using Google Ads

Here is why you should consider using Google Ads for your business:

  • Payment based on clicks
  • Targeting 
  • Conversion tracking and optimization
  • Effortless scaling
  • Analytics
  • Great control and management
  • Helps in SEO and content marketing

Google Ads best practices

1. Work on optimizing your CTAs

CTAs (call-to-action or click-to-action) is the key to your ad campaigns. It is imperative to understand that advertisements are not blogs or articles, and you only have a couple of seconds to make an impression. While many publishers put up Google Ads without a proper CTA, you shouldn’t commit that mistake.

Now that you know that you must include a CTA, what next?

While generic CTAs perform their task adequately, adding words such as “buy” and “get” have the most impact and are used by most top players in the market. It would help generate interest and propel the target audience to visit your landing page.

2. Show them proof

Marketing in modern times feels incomplete without elements of social proof. However, it is not without reason.

91% of shoppers read online reviews before clicking on the buy button. 40% of customers follow new brands based on recommendations.

As for Google, almost two in every three online visitors look to Google for product and business reviews.

So, if you are not yet putting out reviews explicitly to the world, you are probably missing out on business worth millions. You can use testimonials received from the clients in the Google Ads copies or showcase the awards you have received. It would help increase website traffic and better promote your business activities.

3. Showcase Value

Imagine you see two advertisements of similar offerings simultaneously:

One mentions the product name and the brand name, and the other one presents a rough number of how many companies use the product advertised and how it has been beneficial for them.

Most human brains would be inclined to choose the latter. Numbers matter. They are an effective way to showcase that you provide something valuable to your target audience.

The inclination is also in line with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and if you want to improve your conversion rate, you will have to understand how to fit and market your products as per the pyramid.

4. Make the most of 90 characters

You may be wondering – why 90 characters? Well, Google allows publishers up to 90 characters for their ad headlines.

If you are utilizing only a portion of it, it would be more like paying the rent for a 10,000 sq. ft. space but only making use of 4,000 sq. ft. for your needs.

Even if we ignore the monetary aspect, headlines drive more traffic. So make sure that you have the requisite keywords and create copies that can make the most of the 90-character space available.

5. Make sure the Google Ads copies are in sync with your landing page

Another vital tip to help you improve conversions via Google Ads is to ensure that your ad copies are in sync with your landing page.

For example, the tagline you use for your brand should be the same in the adverts and on the landing page. You can also frame the same CTA across the board.

Having a consistent message across your Google Ads and the landing pages is a must-have. It has resulted in a 212.74% increase in conversions for those who have successfully achieved it.

We have often come across brands focusing more on clickbait. Say that you see a Google Ad with the tagline “USPA shirts starting at INR 499.” But when you click on it, you realize that the offer is not for your section, say men, and is instead for kids. Congratulations, you have been click-baited. Brands do not realize it does them more harm than good in the long term. Google, too, analyzes this behavior, which will ultimately impact their Google Ads SEO.

6. Use re-marketing

A good chunk of your potential buyers may be indecisive about whether they should purchase, skip, or delay investing in your offering. Such users generally visit your pages but leave without doing anything at all.

Remarketing can help you settle the case. While remarketing is often used as a social media tool, you can also use it in the PPC arena to improve your conversions. Several remarketing strategies, like remarketing on-site and remarketing off-site behavior types, can help you find better ways to retarget and improve conversions.

If you are new to the game, we suggest that instead of focusing on all of them simultaneously, you can start with one or two and see where it goes. Remember, it is not a part of Black Hat SEO, and you can pursue it sparingly without worries. 

How can DotPe help in improving Google Ads conversions?

At DotPe, we understand the importance of Google Ads for your business, and it is one of the most vital tools that we offer to our customers. This industry first, revolutionary feature further empowered merchants and helps them take their business to greater heights. For the first time in India, merchants will be able to run ads on Google via a 3rd party platform.

The intuitive platform would allow you to have granular controls on your ad campaigns, where you can do the following:

  • Schedule ads
  • Choose the campaign’s duration
  • Set their target criteria
  • Ascertain campaign budget and duration
  • Decide keywords and set up the ad copies
  • Take the campaign live  

Click here to get #EmpoweredbyDotPe and supercharge your Google Ads conversions.

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